सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

observation- अथवा सर्वे चेतनावत् । एवं हि आह; कंसकाः सर्पन्ति, शिरीषोऽयं स्वपिति, सुवर्चल आदित्यमनुपर्येति, आस्कन्द कपिलकेत्युक्ते तृणमास्कन्दति, अयन्कान्तमयः सङ्क्रामिति, ऋषिः पठति, श्रृणोत ग्रावाण इति । Kaiyaṭa, in his explanation of these sentences has rightly observed that Patañjali's description of even stationary and inanimate things as sentient is based on the philosophy of the unity of the soul.[]

 There is still another lesser known work of Patañjali, called the Paramārthasāra, also referred to as Āryapañcaśīti which conclusively proves Patañjali's unbounded faith in the Vedānta-darśana. A word must however be said, at the outset, about Patañjali's authorship of this work , as it may be called into question. The concluding verse[] in the work refers to its author as Śeṣa, the supporter of the world. It is a well-known fact that Patañjali is believed to be the incarnation of Ādi-Śeṣa. Śeṣa, the author of the Paramārthasāra cannot be any later individual of similar name, in view of the clear epithet 'जगत आधारः', hailing him as the bearer of the world. It is therefore plausible that Śeṣa the author of the work is none other than Patañjali, the author of the Mahābhāṣya. There are also more conclusive evidences in support of this identification. Vidyāraṇya in his Jīvanmuktiviveka has cited two verses [] from the Paramārthasāra, and has referred to its author as Bhagavān Śeṣa, indicating the high reverence in which he held the author. Nāgeśa Bhaṭṭa in his Laghumañjūṣā has numerous citations from the Paramārthasāra, and in the first of these he refers to its author as Śeṣanāga[]. As already pointed

  1. सर्वस्यैवेति । आत्माद्वैतदर्शनेनेति भावः ॥
  2. वेदान्तशास्त्रमखिलं विलोक्य शेषस्तु जगत आधारः ।
    आर्यापपञ्चाशीत्या बबन्ध परमार्थसागरमिदम् ॥

  3. एतदेवाभिप्रेत्य भगवान् शेष आह​--
    "तीर्थे श्वपचगृहे वा नष्टस्मृतिरपि परित्यजन् देहम् ।
    ज्ञानसमकालमुक्तः कैवल्यं याति हतशोकः ॥


    शेषोऽपि स्वकृतार्यापञ्चाशीत्यामिदमाह --
    हयमेघशतसहस्राण्यथ कुरुते ब्रह्मघातलक्षाणि ।
    परमार्थविन्न पुण्यैर्न च पापैः स्पृश्यते विमलः ॥

  4. तदुक्तं परमार्थसारे शेषनागेन --मृगतृष्णायामुदकं....