सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:नीतिपाठम् (प्रियनाथविद्याभूषण).pdf/4

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

2 ) Sanskrit reading students of Class W III of the High Schools if prescribed as a textbook of that class The stories selected are all written in a style suit able to the capacity of the pupils for whom this Reader has been compiled and they are entertaining as well as instructive I heartly wish the book every success that it richly deserves 45 House Katara PATMANATH BHATTACHARY YA Belares Cly Retired Phrifdy ych; The 1st Ochoey 1926 Ĉi tian Calligo (rTuiri! 3 From Prof Harahar Bamergea, Sastri, M A Professor of Sanskrit Presidency College, Calcutta and Paper Setter and Head Examiner in Sanskrit for the Matriculation Lxamination of the Calcutta University - "I have gone through your Meetipatham which you lindly sent to me and I have much pleasure to say that you have spared no pains to Ilake the book quite suitable to the young boys for whom it is intended All the stories are attractive and teach moral lessons, so the reading of the book Will help them to build up their character which is the chief aim of education I am also glad to see that the language of the book is simple and at the same time classical 212, Peary Das Lane, Youis sinceely Calcutta. HARIHAR BANBRjBẢ 24th September 1926