सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

(The four main R sines) 19 Multiply the R sine of moon's latitude by the R cosine of the greatest declination (viz., 24° according to Hindu astronomy). Multi- ply the R sine of the declination by the R cosine of the moon's latitude. Divide each product by R, These two products are to be added or subtracted one from the other (according to the instruction in verse 20) 20. Add the two products, if the declination and the latitude are of the same direction ; if not, subtract one from the other. The result is the R sine of the true declination of the body in its own orbit. Its R cosine is the radius of the diurnal circle of the body. 21. The ft sine of the true decimation, multiplied by the equinoctial shadow and divided by 12, is called the Earth-sine (K$itijya). This multiplied by R, and divided by the radius of the diurnal circle is the sine of the Cara, its arc being the Cara in pranas {Carasu or Carapr&na) .