सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

ending with an affix in the sense of femininity such as टापू, डाप् or चापू or ङीपू, ङीषू or ङीनू or the like; cf. स्त्रीभ्यो ढक् IV. 1.120; (3) a word in the sense of feminine cf. स्त्री पुवच्च P. I. 2.66.

स्त्रीप्रत्यय (1) affixes added to the masculine base of a word to show the sense of the feminine, such as आ in टापृ, डापू and चापू and ई in ङीपू, ङीषू and ङीनन्. See P. IV. 1.3 to 81. (2) name of a section of Bha- ttoji's Siddhantakaumudi which gives the affixes added for the formation of a feminine base.

स्थ based upon; the word is pecu- liarly used in the Pratisakhya works in the sense of 'based on' 'belonging to' or 'made up of'; cf. अस्थनामिनीं सन्ध्यम्, R. T. 91 , so also cf. वं नैगि उस्थे R. T. 162.

स्थविरकौण्डिन्य name of an ancient writer of Pratisakhya works who is quoted in the Taittiriya Pra- tisakhya cf. T. Pr. XVII. 4.

स्थान place of articulation; place of the production of sound, which is one of the chief factors in the production of sound; cf. अनुप्रदानात् संसर्गात् स्थानात् करणविन्ययात् । जायते वर्ण- वैशेष्यं परीमाणाच्च पञ्चमात्, T.Pr. XXIII. 2. Generally there are given five places of the production of sound viz. कण्ठ, तालु, मूर्धन् , दन्त and ओष्ठ, respectively for the articula- tion of guttural, palatal cerebral, dental and labial letters and नासिका as an additional one for the arti- culation of the nasal consonants ञू, मू,ङू, णू and नू For the Jihva- muliya sound (क ), जिंह्वामूल is given as a specific one. For details and minor differences of views, see T. Pr. III, R. Pr. 1.18 to 20,R. T. 2-10; V. Pr. I. 65 to 84 and M. Bh, on P. I. 1. 9.

(2) place, substratum, which is generally understood as the sense of the genitive case-affix in rules which prescribe substitutes; cf. षष्ठी स्थोनोयागा. P. I. 1. 49.

स्थानषष्ठी one of the several kinds of the genitive case when it means a place or substratum, see the word स्थान.

स्थानिन् the original word or part of a word such as a syllable or two of it or a letter of it, for which a substitute ( आदेश ) is prescribed; cf. स्थानिवदादेशोSनाल्विधौ P. 1.1. 56.

स्थानिवत् similar to the original in behaviour; cf. स्थानिवदादेशोनल्विधौ P.I. 1.59. See स्थानिवद्भाव.

स्थानिवत्त्व acting like the original. See स्थानिवद्भाव.

स्थानिवद्भाव behaviour of the substi- tute like the original in respect of holding the qualities of the ori- ginal and causing grammatical operations by virtue of those qualities. By means of स्थानिवद्भाव,the substitute for a root is,for instance, looked upon as a root; similarly, a noun-base or an affix or so, is look- ed upon like the original and it can cause such operations or be a recipient of such operations as are due to its being a root or a noun or an affix or the like. This स्यानिवद्भाव cannot be, and is not made also, a universally applicable feature; and there are limitations or restrictions put upon it, the chief of them being अल्विधौ or in the matter of such operations as are caused by the 'property of be- ing a single letter' (अल्विधौ). There are two views regarding this 'beha- viour like the original' :(1) suppo- sed behaviour which is only instru- mental in causing operations or