सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

ful, no doubt, for the study of grammar, but no topic belonging to Siksa is given by Panini which apparently means that these works do not come under the subject or province of Grammar. The reason why the Siksa topics are not given by Panini, is worth consideration. These Siksa works are not speci- fically related to a particular Veda and it cannot be said whether they preceded or succeeded the Pratisakhya works.

शिखा one of the subdivisions of the artificial recitals of the Vedic texts.

शिट् a term for सर्वनामन् (a pronoun) in the works of ancient grammarians; cf. स्वाङ्गशिटामदन्तानाम् Phit Sutra 29, where शिट् is explained as सर्वनामन् in the gloss.

शित् possessed of, or characterized by, the indicatory letter श्; the krt affixes which are marked with the indicatory श् are termed Sarva- dhatuka affixes (cf. P.III.4.113), while, the Adesas or substitutes, marked with the indicatory श्, are substituted for the whole of the Sthanin or the original and not for its final letter according to the rule अलोन्त्यस्य P. I.1.52; e. g. शि is substituted,not for the final स् of जस् and शस् but for the whole जस् and the whole शस्; cf. P.I.1.55.

शिरस्य produced at the top of the orifice, cerebral.

शिरोमणिभट्टाचार्य a grammarian who wrote the grammatical works कारकविवेक, तद्धितकोश and तिङन्तशिरोमणि.

शिवभट्ट a grammarian, who wrote a commentary named कुङ्कुमविकास on the Padamanjari of Haradatta. He was the grandson of Nilakantha Diksita who was also a gramma- rian and who wrote an indepen-

dent work on the Paribhasas, named the Paribhasavrtti.

शिवराम (चक्रवर्ती)a grammarian who wrote a commentary on the Katantraparisista called the Siddhantaratnankura.

शिवरामेन्द्र (सरस्वती) a grammarian who wrote (1) a gloss on the sutras of Panini, (2) a commen- tary named सिद्धान्तरत्नाकर on the Siddhantakaumudi, and (3) a commentary on the Mahabhasya named Mahabhasyaprakasa.

शिवसूत्र name given to the fourteen small sutras giving the alphabet which Panini took as the basis of his grammar. The Sivasutras have got a well-known explanation in Verse, named नन्दिकेश्वरकारिका on which there is a commentary of the type of Bhasya by उपमन्यु. The origin of the Sivasutra given by the writer of the Karika is summed up in the stanza - नृत्तावसाने नटराजराजो ननाद ढक्कां नवपञ्चवारम् । उद्धर्तुकामः सनकादि- सिद्धानेतद् विमर्शे शिवसूत्रजालम् ॥ Nand. 1.

शिवादि a big class of about ninety words headed by the word शिव which have the tad. affix अ (अण्) added to them in the sense of a descendant ( अपत्य ) in spite of other affixes such as इञ् , ण्यत् and others prescribed by other rules, which sometimes do not take place, or do so optionally; e.g. शैवः; ताक्ष्णः, ताक्षण्यः; गाङ्गः गाङ्गेयः, गङ्गायनिः; cf. Kas. on P.IV.1.112. This class is looked upon as आकृति- गण and a word is supposed to be . included in this class, when the; affix अ is noticed in spite of some other affix being applicable by some other rule.

शिष्ट(1) cultured and learned people who want to speak correctly and who therefore have studied gra