सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
प्रथमाध्याये प्रथमः पादः

उपक्रमे 'मामेव विजानीहि' इति त्वाष्ट्वघादिना प्रज्ञातजीव- भावस्येन्द्रस्योपदेशादुपसंहारस्तदनुगुणो वर्णनीय इति चेत्; नैतत्; अध्यात्मसंबन्धभूमा ह्यस्मिन् । अध्यात्मम्;परमात्मधर्मः । परमात्मसंबन्धबहुत्व- मस्मिन्निन्द्रशब्दाभिधेये वाक्योपक्रमप्रभृत्योयसंहाराद् दृश्यते 'यं त्वं मनुष्याय हिततमं मन्यसे' इति हिततमोपासनं प्रारव्धम् । तच परमात्मधर्मः । 'तमेवं विद्वानमृत इह भवति । नान्यः पन्थाः' इत्यादिश्रुतेः । तथा 'एष एव साधु कर्म कारयति' इत्यादिना सर्वस्य कारयितृत्वम् ,

In the beginning of the topic there is the statement, 'Know me alone' (Kaus. III-1). Here indra is denoted as an individual self; because there are statements of attributes such as killing Vrtra, etc.' The conclusion should also be in consonance with this statement. This is not so; because there is in the context the mention of a multitude of attributes belonging to the Self. The phrase 'the attributes belonging to the self' means the attributes of the Highest Self'. From the beginning to the end of the sentence, it is seen that he who is denoted by the word, Indra, possesses many attributes belonging to the Highest self. The scriptural statements made in the outset, namely, 'You yourself choose for me that boon, which you think most beneficial to man' (Kaus. III.1) starts with the worship, that is most beneficial to man. That this worship is of the Highest Self is proved in the text, 'Thus knowing Him one becomes immortal here. There is no other path' (Purusa Sukta 20). Similarly, the Supreme Self is the impeller of all activities, in accordance with the passage- 'He Himself induces him to do good work whom He wishes to lead beyond these worlds, etc." (Kaus. IlI-8). So also He is the aupport