
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
प्रथमाध्याये प्रथमः पादः

अन्तरधिकरणम् ७

अन्तस्तद्धर्मोपदेशात् ॥२१॥

अयं जगत्कारणभूतो विपश्चिदानन्दमयः कश्चिदुपचितपुण्यविशेषो जीवविशेषो देहयोगाद्विज्ञायते ; नायं परमात्मेति नाशङ्कनीयम् । "य एषोऽन्तरादित्ये हिरण्मयः पुरुषः इत्यादौ श्रूयमाणः पुरुषः परमपुरुषः परमात्मैव | कुतः ? तद्धर्मोपदेशात् । "स एष सर्वेषां लोकानामीशः सर्वेषां कामानाम् "तस्योदिति नाम ! स एष सर्वेभ्यः पाप्मभ्य उदितः" इति


21. Antastaddharmopadeshaat

He, who is within the sun and the eye is the Brahman; because His attributes are declared in the context.

It should not be doubted that the Anandamaya, who is the cause of the world, omniscient and blissful is understood to be an individual self endowed with extraordinary merits and not the Supreme Self, because he is said to have a body. It refers to the Supreme Person and the Highest Self, that is denoted by the word, Person, occurring in the scriptural statement 'The Person, who is seen within the sun, He is brilliant like gold etc.' (Chand. I-6-6). Why? Because His attributes are declared in the context. The attributes of the Highest Person, who is other than the individual self, are (a) His unlimited Lordship over all the worlds and all the desires (b) His not being under the influence cf Karman. The scriptural authorities are-'He is the lord of all the worlds 6