सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

इयांस्तु विशेषः--ब्रहैवाज्ञमुपाधिसंबद्धं चेति सर्वश्रुतिस्मृतिन्यायविरो- धोऽन्येषाम् । तदभावादविरोधश्चास्माकमिति ॥

शास्त्रयोननित्वाधिकरणम् ३

शास्त्रयोनित्वात् ॥ ३ ॥

एवं चिदचिद्वस्तुशरीरकतया तद्विशिष्टस्य ब्रह्मण एव जगदुपादानत्वं निमित्तत्वं च नानुमानगम्यमिति शास्त्रैकप्रमाणकत्वात्तस्य 'यतो वा इमानि भूतानि' इत्यादि वाक्यं निखिलजगदेककारणं ब्रह्म बोधयत्येवेति सिद्धम् ॥

to what is stated in all scriptural and Smrti texts and reasoning. There will be no such opposition in our school, as all these (i.e. ignorance and limiting conditions) are not recognised.


3. Sastrayonitvat.

(That the Brahman is the cause of the creation etc. follows altogether from the scripture), because the scripture alone forms the source (of the knowledge related to Him). The Brahman, who has as His body all the sentient and non-sentient beings, is the material cause and also the efficient cause of the Universe. This fact could not be apprehended by reasoning; but could be proved by scriptures alone. Therefore it is established that the scriptural text 'From whom, all these things are born (Tait. III. 1) discerns the Brahman, who is the only cause of all the worlds.