
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
त्रुतीयाध्याये द्वितीयः पादः

'चतुष्पात्' इत्युन्मानव्यपदेशोपि ' वाक्पादश्चक्षुष्पादः ' इतेि- |वदुपासनाथैः ॥

स्थानविशेषात्प्रकाशादिवत् ॥ ३३ ॥

अपरिमितस्यापि स्थानविशेषसंबन्धादवच्छिद्यानुसंधानं युज्यते, 1प्रकाशाकाशादेरिव विततस्यापि वातायनघटादेिना |


प्राप्यस्यैव परमात्मनः प्रापकत्वोपपत्ते; यथाह– 'यमेवैष वृणुते तेन लभ्यः' इति |

The designation of measure made in the scriptural text, 'That has four quarters' (Chand. III-18-2) is intended only for meditation, as in the case of the text, ' Speech is one quarter . . . eye is one quarter' (Chand. III-18-2).

33. Sthanavis'esat prakasadivat

Owing to the Brahman being associated with par- ticular places, as in the case of light, etc.

It is right to meditate upon the immeasurable Brahman by connecting Him with particular places. The light and the spatial ether, etc. can be apprehended as that which passes through the window and that which is encased within the pot respectively.

34. Upapattes'ca

And on account of its possibility.

It is possible to hold that the Highest Self, who is to be attained, is also the means of attainment. The scriptural text states thus, 'whomsoever He chooses, by him alone He can be reached ' (Mund. III. 2-3).

1प्रकाशादेरिव  A 1, M I.