
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

कार्ये करोति । ^अविदुषस्तदानीमेव नष्टत्वादविद्यानिमित्तरागादयोऽपि ; संभवन्ति ॥

उत्तरोत्पादे च पूर्वनिरोधात् ॥ १९ ॥

उत्तरघटक्षणोत्पत्तौ पूर्वघटक्षणस्य^^ विनष्टत्वेनाभावस्यैवोत्पादकत्वा विशेषेण सर्वदोत्पत्तिश्च स्यात् ॥

असति प्रतिज्ञोपरोधो^^^ यौगपद्यमन्यथा ॥२०॥

असत उत्पत्तावधेिपतिसहकार्यादीनां ज्ञानहेतुत्वप्रतेिज्ञाविरोधश्च ।

silver. Here, as the person of Avidyaa ceased to exist at that time, there cannot be in him the desire, etc. that are caused by nescience.

19. Uttarotpaade ca purvanirodhaat

And on account of the cessation of the preceding one, on the origination of the subsequent one.

When the pot of the subsequent moment is originated, the pot of the previous moment becomes destroyed. Hence as the negation alone has the character of the cause of origination, the origination can be had at all times.

20. Asati pratijnoparodho yaugapadyamanyathaa

There not being a cause, there results the contradiction of the admitted principle; otherwise simultaneity will arise.

Suppose it is said that the effect may originate when a

^ अत्र विदुषः M 3, Pr. ^^क्षणस्यापेि Pr. ^^^ प्रतिज्ञाविरोधः M 1 , 2.