
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

'सुखं त्वेव विजिज्ञासितव्यम्' 'भूमैव सुखम् 'इत्युक्त्वा भूम्नः स्वरूपमाह- 'यत्र नान्यत्पश्यति नान्यच्छृणोति नान्यद्विजानाति स भूमा ' इति । यस्मिन् सुखेऽनुभूयमाने तद्वयतिरित्कं किमपि सुखत्वेनं न पश्यति, नं शृणोति, न विजानाति, स भूमेत्युच्यते ; 'अथ यत्रान्यत्पश्य- त्यन्यच्छृणोत्यन्यद्विजानाति तदल्पम्' इति वचनात् ॥

तथाच महाभारते--- 'दिव्यानि कामचाराणि विमानानि सभास्तथा | आक्रीडा विविधा राजन् पद्मिन्यश्चामलोदकाः ॥ एते वै निरयास्तात स्थानस्य परमात्मनः' ॥

इति | 'एष तु वा अतिवदति यः सत्येनातिवदति' इति प्रस्तुतं चाति-

The scriptures state-' The pleasure alone is to be inquired into' (Chand. VII..22). 'The Bhuman alone is pleasure' (Chand. VII-23). Then it narrates the nature of the Bhuman thus 'Where one sees nothing else, hears nothing else, knows nothing else, that is the Bhuman' (Chand. VIl-24). That is called Bhuman, while experiencing which pleasure one does not see anything else as pleasure, does not hear anything else as pleasure and does not know anything else as pleasure; because there is the scriptural text, 'But where one sees something else, hears something else, knows something else, that is the little' (Chand. VII-24). In the Maha-Bharata it is stated thus

'The celestial heavenly chariots moving unrestrained, halls, the pleasure grove of various kinds and the lotus-pools of crystal water-All these, Oh dear, are helIs when compared with that abode of the Highest Self' (Sd. 196-4). 'But he is Ativadin who makes a supreme declaration by the means of the Truth' (Chand. III-16). The fact that he is Ativadin