पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/१९५

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Act III, Notes & Translation

 St. 30 सः तव तातः, मे पितुः प्रणयवान् सखा । शस्त्रे यथा सः तव गुरु: तथा ममापि (गुरुः) । तस्य देहनिधने दुःखं किं कथयामि । गुरुशुचा मनसा त्वमेव तद् जानीहि ॥

 गुरुशुचा-गुरुः शुक् यस्य तथाभूतेन.

 Translation -To you he was father, to me, father's most loving friend ; with reference to (training in the use of) arms, as he was your teacher, so was he mine too. How can I describe my sorrow at his death? You had better conceive it by reference to your own heart, oppressed as it is by deep sorrow.

 Duryodhana is playing the hypocrite with the rather Simpleminded Ashvatthaman.

 एवं पक्षपातिन त्वयि'- When you are so partial to me--शोक...कर्त-To lighten the load of sorrow.

 St. 3. मयि जीवति मत्तातः केशग्रहं अवाप्तवान् । अन्ये पुत्रिणः पुत्रेभ्यः स्पृहां कथं करिष्यन्ति । (v.I. कथमन्ये करिष्यन्ति पुत्रेभ्योऽपुत्रिणः स्पृहाम् )

 Translation :--Though I am living, my father has suffered the seizure of his hair (i.e., suffered the insult of being seized by the hair). How will other fathers entertain any hopes from their sons (here-after) ?

 We take पुन्नेभ्यः as abl. plu. and स्पृहा in the sense of आशा, The usual construction of स्पृद्दी with the dative does not suit the context here. The other reading would be decidedly better, were it not for the word 'अन्यै'; for अन्यै अपुत्रिणः would imply the absurd idea of Drona being अपुत्री. Freed from the word ‘अन्ये' the second reading would be satisfactory. The meaning then would be : How will those that are without sons entertain any wish for sons.(hereafter)? Even अन्ये may be made to fit in somehow, if, instead of construing the words as (द्रोणात्) अन्ये अपुत्रिणः, meaning other sonless people than Drona' and implying that Drona was sonless, we construe the words as (द्रोणात्) अन्ये (पुरुषाः) ये केऽपि अपुत्रिणः स्युः ते, meaning ' other people (or simply others), I mean such as may be without sons. This may likely be the author's meaning.

 सर्वपरिभवपरित्राणहेतुना-सर्वेधां परित्राणस्य हेतुः तेन; (a very loose and clumsy compound).

 St. 32, पाण्डवीनां चमूनां (मध्ये) यो यः स्वभुजगुरुमदः ( v.l. "गुरुबलः) ( सन् ) शस्त्र बिभर्ति, पाञ्चालगोत्रे यो यः शिशुः अधिकवयाः गर्भशयां वा गतः, यो यः तत्कर्मसाक्षी, मयि रणे चरतिं यश्च प्रतीपः, तस्य तस्य स्वयं जगतां अन्तकस्य अपि अहं क्रोधान्धः ( सन् ) अन्तकोऽस्मि ।