
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
P.72,1.14.--कहिं. This is merely the locative कस्मिन्, used to signify
'rest where' , analogously to the ablative कस्मात् or कुतःwhich
shows motion whence. The form कहिं, like many others belonging to pure Sanskrit and the Prâkŗit, is still preserved in the
Konkaņî dialect, spoken about Malvan, in the word खई or खैं,
P.73,1.2.--या. Supply समवस्था.
P.73,1.6.-हला तदा &c. This also appears to be a passage that has
not been preserved to us in its original purity, especially the last
part of it. I would translate thus : - Being then in the presence
of the King, I had not the boldness to take a full view of him
so as to satisfy myself; to-day, however, I am fully satisfied.
For I have now looked on him attentively, though this look of
him is obtained only as he stands in the picture. विभाविदो चित्तगददंसणो एव्व भट्टा is added to explain why she was not वितृष्ण,
when she had seen him actually. एव्व. The force of this is,
‘ण उण पच्चख्खदंसणो भट्ट विभाविदो): विभावय् usually means ’to
recognise’, ‘to perceive. ' Cf, e.g., Śâkuntala, p. 14, 1. 3; p. 79,
1. 5: Calc. Ed. 1860. Vikramorvaśî, Act IV. “ स्पर्शविभावित-
प्रियः” Act V. “ वर्णविभावनसहा दृष्टि:” In the present passage it
appears to be used in the sense of of 'considering';' contemplating'
MS. G omits एव्व.
P.73,1.10.-मुधा दाणिं &c. Vidûshaka means, that whatever might be
the beauty of the King's person and his youth, it did not atleast impress Mâlavikâ favourably, and if he should be proud
of his beauty and his youth, a casket might be equally proud of
the lustre of the gems it contains. MS G reads रअणं” simply,
for रअणभण्डं .
P.74,1.2.-कार्त्स्न्येन &c. Though they (women) desire to take a full
view of the appearance of their lovers that meet them for the
first time, still their looks do not fall fully upon them, possessed