सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
दक्षिणं जानुमालिम्पेति स्मृत्यन्तरानुरोधात्, and where I think, we have to
translate करणीयः क्षणस्त्वया by ’May it please you to be at leisure
for the Śrâddha of’ &c. (.e. to be freed from every engagement*
and attend to the sraddha &c).. The same formula is thus given
by Gâlava, as quoted by Hemâdri :-
ॐ तथेति द्विजा ब्रूयुस्ते प्राप्नोतु भवानिति ।
कर्ता ब्रूयात्ततो विप्रः प्राप्तवानीति वै वदेत् । ।
After the formula is addressed, the Brahman is not to leave his
seat or attend to any thing else, but is to remain seated and at
tentive to the Śrâddha ceremony until it is finished. The
person who addresses in the words of the formula (the श्राद्धकृत्)
is said to gibe the क्षण, and the Brahman to whom it is addressed
to take the क्षण, in the language of ignorant priests. Hence, be-
cause the word क्षण is so often used in the formula, so it has
come, in the common parlance of Brâhmaņs, who subsist mostly
upon such occasional dinners at śrâddhas, and to which class
our Vidûshaka belonged, to signify an engagement at a śrâddha, which, when once begun, must be carried out, on pain of
incurring a sin. It may be observed that Vidûshaka's way of
expressing his obligation to accomplish what he has undertaken
is perfectly in keeping with his character . क्षण घेणं, however, is
still used in Marâthî in the sense of pledging ones self for the
performance of a thing . As, त्या कामाविषयीं आह्मीं क्षण घेतला आहे
I hope pledged myself to do the work and a bound to do at
a hazards. Cf. also Śâkuntala, Act II, p. 33, Calc Ed. 1860.
P. 31, 1. 2 .-सुणोपरिचरो विअ विहंगमो, like a bird hovering over the
shop of a butcher’

  • on this meaning of क्षण, cf. Dakshasmriti, v. 16, उदयास्तमयं यावन्न विप्रः
क्षणिको भवेत्, on which passage Nâgoji Bhațța (Âhnikaśekhara, II. ad
init) observes : “ क्षणो निर्व्यापारः स्थितिः तद्युक्तो न भवेत्" Cf . also supra,
p. 7, 1. 14.