सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
interpretation, we must read, with MSS. A B D E, “ तुमx ” in the
passage as object to विसंवादइस्सदि. Another interpretation, however,
is possible, and supported by one or two parallel passages from
Kâlidâsa himself. It is this "walk slowly, lest the Queen Dhâriņî
should cause you to be disappointed; i.e. " having unwilingly
given permission to Gaņadâsa to bring Mâlavikâ before the King,
she may yet withdraw her permission, seeing that you are so impatient to go to the music saloon as if you were interested in
the matter of the examination.' In this case we must supply
गणदासेन as the direct agent of the disappointment (विसंवाद)
विसंवादइस्सदि is the causal of विसंवद्, to fail in fulfilling ones promise : fidenm fallere, to promise 'and then not to do the thing promised. C: Śâkuntala, Act VI. ‘रमणोओ खखु अवहो विहिणा विसंवदिदो' scil. रण्णा (p. 14्३, 1. 11,Calc. Ed. 1860) Also Vikramorvaśî, Act II, “तदो किं दाणिं तथ्थभोदी सव्वसी भवदो मणोरहकुसुमं दंसिअ
फले विसंवददिः” On the use of मा with the future, cf. Śâkuntala, p.
39,1, 14; p. 67, 1, 5, p. 92, 1. 10, Calc. Bd. 1860.
P. 21, 1. 13–स्वमनोरथस्येव शब्दः, ‘ as the sound of my desire that is
going to be fulfilled.' In मनोरथ lurks a little pun, as the word
literally means 'the chariot of (ie. consisting of) the mind, and
as thus only can मनोरथ have a sound.