पृष्ठम्:भगवद्गीता (आनिबेसेण्ट्, भगवान्दासश्च).djvu/५१

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

 And many others, heroes, for my sake renouncing their lives, with divers weapons and missiles, and all well-skilled in war.            (9)

 अन्ये others; च and; बहवः many; शूराः heroes; मदर्थे= मम अर्थे my, for sake; त्यक्तजीविताः = त्यक्तं जीवितं यैः ते renounced, life, by whom, they; नानाशस्त्रप्रहरणाः = नाना शस्त्राणि प्रहरणानि येषां ते various , weapons, means of striking, whose, they ; सर्वे all; युद्धविशारदाः= युद्धे विशारदाः in battle, skilled.

अपर्याप्तं तदस्माकं बलं भीष्माभिरक्षितम् ।
पर्याप्तं त्विदमेतेषां बलं भीमाभिरक्षितम् ॥१०॥

 Yet insufficient seems this army of ours, though marshalled by Bhishma, while that army of theirs seems sufficient, though marshalled by Bhima;      (10)

 अपर्याप्त insufficient; तद् that; अस्माकं our ; बलं force; भीष्माभिरक्षितम् = भीष्मेण अभिराक्षितम् by Bhishma, commanded (or protected) ; पर्याप्तं sufficient ; तु indeed ; इदम् this; एतेषां of theirs ; भीमाभिरक्षितम् = भीमेन अभिरक्षितम् by Bhima, commanded.

अयनेषु च सर्वेषु यथाभागमवस्थिताः ।
भीष्ममेवाभिरक्षतु भवंतः सर्व एव हि ॥ ११ ॥

 Therefore in the rank and file let all, standing firmly in their respective divisions, guard Bhishma, even all ye Generals."            (11 )

 The commentators differ in their interpretation of this verse; Anandagiri takes it to mean just the reverse of Sridhara Swami apany Aptam" being taken by the one as " insufficient," by the other as un- limited.