सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

अवृक्षताऽम्भसि नवोत्पलानि तानि चाऽश्रोषत षट्पदानाम् ।
प्रव्रायि वान् गन्धवहः सुगन्धस्तेनाऽरविश्वव्यतिषङ्गवांश्च ॥ १० ॥

लतानुपातं कुसुमान्यगूलात्स नद्यवस्कन्दमुपास्पृशच्च ।
कुतूहलाच्चारुशिलोपवेशं काकुत्स्थ ईषत्स्मयमान आस्त ॥ ११॥

तिग्मांशुरमिच्छुरितान्यात् प्राङिच प्रभाते सलिलास्यपश्यत् ।
गभस्तिधाराभिरिव व्रतानि तेजांसि भानोभुवि संभृतानि ॥ १२ ॥

दिग्व्यापिनी लोचनलोभनीया मृजाययाः स्नेहमिव स्रवन्तीः ।
ऋज्वायताः सस्यविशेषपङ्क्तीस्तुतोष पश्यन् वितृणान्तरालाः ॥ १३ ॥

वियोगदुःखानुभवानभिज्ञः काले नृपांशं विहितं बवद्भिः ।
आहर्यशोभारहितैरमायैरेक्षिष्ट पुम्भिः प्रचितान् स गोष्ठान् ॥ १४ ॥

 10. The waters with fresh lotuses were seen, the humming of bees were heard and the gently blowing breeze, fragrant by its contact with the lotuses, was inhaled by him (Rama),

 11. Bending before every creeper, he plucked flowers, and leaping up to every river he sipped (water) ; (indeed) that descendant of Kakutstha (Rama) sat down on every charming stone slab, smiling slightly

 12. He sawnot from far, the eastern waters tinted in the morning by the rays of the sun, as if (they were) the lustre squeezed from the sunbeams and collected on the earth

 13. He was pleased to see the straight long rows of special corn, attractive to the eyes, pervading the quarters, cleanly planted, with its interstices cleared of grass and as if it were oozing out oiliness (love).

 14. He saw colonies of cowherds occupied by men who were not acquainted with the experience of the grief of separation, who paid the prescribed royal portion (taxes) in time, who were devoid of artificial embellishments and who were free from deceit,