
विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

For a definition of it see Das'arûpa, p. 109.धर्मभ्राता is an expres- sion which occurs at Yâjnavalkya II., 137. In the Uttararâma- charita pp. 168-175, Janaki Parinaya, p. 10, and Murâri Nataka, pp. 36-80, also similar expressions occur. The meaning is one who is in a similar relation as that of a brother, by learning with one guru, &c. The commentator's explanation is not incompatible with this.

 P. 74-79. चोरयितुम् here means to deny; it generally means to possess as in Mâgha I., 16. In the Chandikâsataka (Ind. Ant. 1., 112), it means remove, take away. This passage ( with different readings ) is quoted in the Dasarûpa (p. 120 ) as an example of Nalikâ. As to कमल and चन्द्र Cf. Sâkuntala, p. 212. The metre of the stanza is Arya. [कमलाणां मणहराणं was the reading of the previous editions, the present reading is required by the Metre and hence is the right one] उपक्षिप्त (p. 75) see Mâlatímâdhava p. 21.(?) The meaning is something like that of the English phrase " throwing out," hinting, indicating. विराग (p. 76 ) discontent. In अस्त्यत्र नगरे &c., (p. '77) अस्ति is an अव्यय. See Siddh. Kaum, I., p. 92, and cf. pp. 80-124 infra, and Venîsamhâra, p. 213, among other passages. As to चन्द्रश्रियः Cf. Mâlatimâdhava p. 365 and note there. [P. 78. The speech of चर beginning with 'जॅवसिद्धी णामसो' presupposes a question'किंनामधेयो हिस् सः' ; and hence the reading of H, noted in the footnote is to be preferred.] As to न युक्तम्, &c., (p. 79 ) Cf. Prabodhachandrodaya, p. 39. The Kayasthas appear to have been much looked down upon in old days. Cf. Mrichchhakatika, pp. 175-367, and Hindu Theatre, Vol. I. p. 92. The name S'akatadâsa is to be noted. It seems to belong to Eastern India where the Kâyasthas are still a large and important class of the population, and Dâs is still a prevailing surname. Chandanadas--a Vanik-may be either a Bengalee or a Gujarathi name.

 P. 80-86. अङ्गुलिप्रणयी Cf. हस्ततलगतः at P. 202 infra. अववरक= inner apartment, window, as in Viddhas'âlabbanjikâ, p. 17. See Halâyudha, 32, and cf. Transactions of Oriental Congress, p. 334, inter alia, पञ्चवर्षदेशीय (p. 81)= about five years of age. The passage, cited in the commentary at p. 83, is to be found in Das'arúpa, p. 21. गृहीतो जयशब्दः=(p. 84), scil that in जेदु coming directly after जेतव्यः This is a common thing in our dramas. See

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