पृष्ठम्:Birds in Sanskrit literature.djvu/२६२

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

472 House-Swallows, 167 House Swift [- चरिल्ली, चिचिक, चिचिका, बतासी, बैगनकुटी, व्यङ्गिनकुटी, वाताशिन] 166, 168, 169 Hume, 105, 123, 161, 245, 285, 288, 299, 334, 391, 420, 423 Humming Birds (of America), 114 Hutton, 245 Ibis [खेगमन ], 9, 95, 381, 985 Icelander [महारावणबाज ], 218, 219 Imperial Eagle, 73, 201, 206, 207 Impeyan Pheasant [ इंद्राम, चितवई, चित्रबर्हण, चनबहिण, नीलमोर, मयूरक, मयूरकुक्कुट, मुनाल ] 257, 271, 277, 278 Inauspicious bird [ अनिष्ट विहा], 942 Indian Black-crested Baza, 248 Indian Black Eagle, 209 Indian Black-gorgeted Laughing Thrushes, 29 Indian Brown Hawk Owl [ कालपेचक, कृष्णपेचक ], 179 Indian Crane [ लक्ष्मण, सारस ], 312 Indian Crested Hawk Eagle [-वाजराज], 211 Indian Crested Honey Buzzard [मधूहा, श्याम]. 248 Indian Cuckoo [दुन्दुभि ] 129 Indian Grackle, 25 Indian Great Horned-Owl, 180 Indian Grey Drongos, 63 Indian Grey Tit [ सन्ज़रोशन, रामगंगरा], 21 Indian Hair-crested Drongo [केश्य, केशराज, केसराज, केसिया], 63, 64 Indian Hobby, 231 Indian Jungle Grow [ काक, कृष्णकाक ] 7 Indian Koel, 2 Indian Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo, 64 Indian Little Brown Dove [छोटी पड़की], 257 Indian Loriquet [पर्णशुक, पशुक, पुवक, पुत्रिका, पुलगुक, भेदाशी], 144 Indian Necklaced Laughing Thrushes, 29 Indian Pipits, 107 Indian Pitta [-चित्रक, नौरंग ], 117 Indian Red-breasted Paroquet [-किकिरात शुरू, श्येतशुक], 144 Indian River Tern, 947 Indian Robin [कपोतको, कुलिंगक, कृष्णिका, चातकपोत, चातकशिशु, देवचकली, देवोश्यामा, पुलिका, पोतकी, पोदकी, श्यामा, शकुंतबालक ], 44, Birds in Sanskrit Literature 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 90 Indian Roller [-अपराजित, किकी, किकीदीवि, चलपुच्छ, चाय, नीलकण्ठ, नीलग्रीव, नीलाङ्ग, पुन्यदर्शन, मणिकण्ठ, महायोगी, माजल, राजविहङ्गम, विशोक, स्वर्णचूड, स्वस्तिक, हेमतुण्ड ], 17, 18, 22 Indian Rufous Turtle Dove [सामधूषू] 257 Indian_Sand Martin [ कुटिट्ठसक, नकुटि, नहिकुटि], 99 Indian Scarlet-backed Flower-peckers, 116 Indian Shag, 371 Indian Stone Plover, 332 Indian Tawny Eagle [उद्दीपक, गोमायु, पिच्छवाण भयङ्कर रणपक्षी, रणमत, रागपक्षी, रागर, श्येन, श्रृंगाल, स्थूलनीड ], 208 Indian Tern [ पुष्करसाद], 94 Indian Whiskered Term, 346 Indian White-eyed Buzzard Eagle [पुण्डरी- काक्ष], 212 Indian Wire-tailed Swallow, 99 Indian Yellow-backed Sun-bird, 114 Indo- Chinese Sparrow Hawks, 239 Tora [-मधुक, शुकिका, श्रीवद, सुकरिका], 31, 50 J Jacanas [कोपी] 304ff. Jackdaw [-चीरीकाक, चोरिकाक, चौरिकाक, पंचमकाक, सूक्ष्मास्यकाक ], 9, 4, 8, 14, 15, 20 Jackdaw of Kashmir, 2 Jamal, 60 Jangalah (animals and birds occupying dry zoncs), 286 Japanese Sparrow Hawk, 239 Jayanta, 3 Jays [-वनचाय ], 14, 20 Jays & Rollers, 15ff. Jehangir, 900, 316 Jerdon, 49, 55, 59, 64, 129, 205, 213, 294, 235, 242, 288 Jinasena, 129 Jungle and/or Carrion Grow [=काक, काकोल, कृष्णकाक, ध्वाक्ष, वनकाक], 7, 11, 20 Jungle Babbler [भूसारिका, हहोलिका], 28, 29, 30, 84 Jungle Bush Quails [ गैरिकलाव], 286, 287 Jungle Grow [कृष्णकाक, ध्याडस, वनकाक ], 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 127 Jungle-Fowl [=चमंचूड, ताम्रचूडकुक्कुट ], 271 Jungle-Fowls & Pheasants, 271 ff. Jungle Myna [= जाण्टसारिक ], 86 Juvenile Goshawk [=चकाङ्गवाज, बलाकाशवाज], 237 Jyotirlávama, 6 Index K Kale, M. R., 136 Kalidasa, 121, 135, 250, 323, 421, 446 Kalij Pheasants [ कालशकुक्कुट, रक्तवतमं, रक्तवत्मक ], 275 Kapota, Kinds, of, 251 Karmarkar, R. B., 136 Kashmir and Black-rumped Magpies [-काल- कूट ], 20 Kashmir Roller [-चितवाज, नीलांगचाय] 16, 17, 20 Kautilya, 170, 401 Kayah (or Swamp Partridge) [-कोइरा, कयार], 283 Kelava, 142, 144 Kestrel [अनल, आकाशयोगिनी, कण्ठनीडक, दिशाचक्षु, निमेष, रङ्गण, रङ्गणश्येन, लोहाण्डी, लोहाण्डी-शकुनि, संगण सौति], 155, 220, 232, 239, 234 King- Crow [-धूम्याट, फिङ्गा], 72, 199 Kingfisher [-किकीवक, जलमद्गु, झम्पाशी, मछमंगा, मणीचक, मत्स्य मीनर सुचित्रक], 13, 18, 147, 155, 156, 157, 158, 186 Kingfishers, 155ff. Kirātas, 30 Kirke Swann, H., 205 Kite [-चिल्ल], 41, 234 Kites, 242ff. Koel [कोकिल, पिक], 128 Koklas Pheasant, 276 L 473 Large Imperial Sand Grouse [क] 265 Large Indian Paroquet [ राजशुरू, शतपत्नशुरू], 143 Large Indian Parakeet / Peacock / Wood- pecker [शतपन ], 119 Large Green-billed Malkoha, 140 Large Grey Babbler [feforer], 29, 30 Large Hawk Cuckoo [चातक], 130 Large Himalayan Green-billed Malkoha, 140 Large Indian Parrot [-त्रिवर्णराजि], 118 Large Owl [-पाक, पेचक ], 157, 183 Large Owls, as birds of bad omen, 173 Large Pied Crested Cuckoo [ त्रिशंकु, दिवौकस, सारंगचातक], 104 Laughing Gull, 339 Laughing Thrushes and Babblers, 28ff. Leishra, 55 Leopard [-द्वीपिन्]], 11 Lesser Adjutant Stork, 243 Kranica-vytha, 310 Lesser Flamingo, 408 Krspaśakuni (all black Punjab & Tibetan Lesser Florican (or Likh), [ खिलखिल्ल, Ravens), 1 लिय], 330 Kşemendra, 25, 59, 77, 79, 123, 427 Lesser Whistling Teal, 450 Kusumadeva, 142 Libertine [-पांसुल] 129 Likh, 330 Large Pied Wagtail [काकच्छदिखंजन, कालकंठ, नीलकंठ ], 102 103 Large Racket-tailed Drongo [-भीमराज, भगराज ], 64, 65, 66, 144 Large Himalayan Green-billed Malkoha [= अंगहेतुक]], 140 Larger Hooting Owls [ कुम्भोलूक ], 176 Larger Owls [ हरिलोचन ], 177 Large Spotted Nutcracker, 11 Large Sea-birds (Sea-Gulls & Others) [समुद्रकाक ], 937 Large Whistling Teal, 450 Lark [-कुब्जचटक, दबकचिड़ी, दुरी, भारद्वाज, व्याघाट], 50, 98, 99, 111 Lark Duck, 222 Larks, 108ff. Lac Insect, 10 Laggar Falcon [रघट, लग्पड़, लग्न, लगर, लङ्गण]], 227 Lamb-Eagle, 194 Lamb-Vulture, 207 Lammergeyar (or Bearded Vulture) [-अलज, आज, भास], 195, 210 Lapwing (a kind of water fowl) [कोयष्टि, जलकुक्कुट, यष्टिक], 358 Large-crested Tern, 347 Large Cuckoo- Shrike, 117 Large Egret [ चेतावक, ज्येष्ठवलाका बफेरू, Little Grebe, 461 महाश्वेता], 56, 402 Lineated Barbet, 124 Lion Sparrow [मृगेन्द्रचटक], 222 Liothrix [-रोचिष्णु ], 32, 33 Little Barbet [-डिण्डिमाणवक], 129 Little Brown Dove [ कुंकुमधूम्प कपोत, धूसर कपोत ], 257, 258, 261 Little Bustard [कृशकण्ठ, सारंग ], 325, 328 Little Cormorants, 971 Little Dove, 24 Little Egret [-बलाकिका ], 403 Little Golden Eagle (Peregrine) [सुपर्ण, सुपर्णक], 225 Little Grey Heron, 406 Little Peacock [-मयूरक ], 277 Little Ringed Plover [ खजनिका, खज्जानिका, राजपुलिका, राजभट्टिका, सर्वपी, हापुतिका ], 334, 357