
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

P. III. 3.15. The affixes ति, तः etc. replace the affix लुट् in acco- rdance with the number and person in view; cf. तिप्तस्झिसिप् .... P. III. 4 78.

लुप् disappearance ( लुप्यते इति लुप्); a term used by Pāņini with reference to the disappearance of an affix or its part under specified con- ditions by the express mention of the word लुप्. Although after the disappearance of an affix no ope- ration for the base before, can take place as conditioned by the affix, i. e. although there is no प्रत्ययलक्षण, still, when the disappe- arance is mentioned as लुप्, the base gets the gender and number of that original form of it which existed before the affix, which has disappeared, was applied; cf. कुरव: दश:, चञ्चेव पुरुष: चञ्चा; cf. लुपि युक्तवद् व्यक्तिवचने. P. I. 2.51 and Kāśikā thereon.

लुप्त that which has been elided or dropped during the process of the formation of words. As elision or लोप is looked upon as a kind of substitute, in short a zero- substitute, the convention of the substitute being looked upon as the original one, viz.the sthāni- vadbhāva, applies to it.

लुप्तनिर्दिष्ट supposed to be mentioned although not seen or heard in a particular rule, for the sake of bringing about some grammatical operation with a view to arriving at some desired forms; cf. ल्रान्तस्येत्यत्र वकारोऽपि निर्दिश्यते । किं वकारो न श्रूयते । लुप्तनिर्दिष्टो वकारः । M. Bh. on P. I.1.3. Vārt. 10; cf. also M. Bh. on I.3.7, III. 1.44 etc.; also cf. क्ङिति च P. I. 1.5 where the consonant ग् is supposed to be present in the word क्ङिति .

लुप्तविकरण a term applied to roots after which the conjugational sign is dropped; e. g. roots of the second and third conjugations; cf. न लुप्तविकरणेभ्योनुदात्तत्वं भवति, M. Bh.on P. VI.1. 186.

लुमत् lit. possessed of the syllable or wording लु. The word is applied to the terms लुक्, श्लु, and लुप् which contain the letter लु and which all mean the disappearance of a word- element; cf. न लुमताङ्गस्य । लुक् श्लु लुप् एते लुमन्त: S.K. on P. I. 1.63.

लृ common term for the affixes लृट् ( second Future ) and लृङ् (condi- tional), the remnant being लृ after the mute consonants ङ् and ट् have been dropped.

लृङ् general term for the personal affixes of the conditional, which are applied to a root to show the hap- pening of an action only if there was another preceding action, both the actions being expressed by लृङ् or conditional affixes; e.g. देवश्चेदवर्षिष्यत् सुभिक्षमभविष्यत्; cf. लिङ्निमित्ते लृङ् क्रियाति- पत्तौ P. III.3. 139, 140. लृङ् is also used under certain other condi- tions when some specific partīcles are used; cf. P.III.3.141-146, 151.

लृट् a general term for the general affix ल् of the second future which is applied in the sense of future time in general, without any specific conditions, the affixes ति, त:, अन्ति being substituted for the ल् and the sign (vikaraņa) स्य being added to the root; cf. P.III.3.13 and III. 3. 133. The terminations अत् and अान are substituted for the affix लृट् to form future participles; e.g. भवि- ष्यत्, एधिष्यमाण, cf. लृट; सद्वा P.III.3.14.

लेखा one of the varieties or develop- ments of the क्रमपाठ or the artificial recitation of the separate words of the Samhitā.