
विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

of the transcript). For a characteristic reference to N's teacher, see : प्रकारान्तरेण ‘चन्द्रबाहुफलवर्गे' त्यादिना श्रीमद्-दामोदराह्वयास्मद्गुरुमुखोद्गतेन श्लोके नोक्ता, तद्युक्तिरपि आर्यभटीयान्तर्भूतैव । (p. 61 of the transcript) 11. Gralhap८rॉksakra71a (?). The well-known Kerala astrologer Puliyur Purushottaman Namputiri has edited" an old, incomplete* Malayalam summary of a Sanskrit work under the title Gralh0park:$d- 111 presumed that the author was Drganita-Parame5vara.* These verse are, however, found in Nilakatha's Bhasy८ on the Gollapada of the 4y2 bhatya, under verse 48 (7ऽऽ 185, pp 132-49). It is a long tract of about 200 verse, summing up the principles and methods followed in Hindu astronomy and forms a veritable handbook on the subject. t ends : इति संक्षेपतः प्रोक्ता परीक्षा ज्योतिषामिह । कालमानचतुष्कस्य श्रुतस्य विवृतिस्त्वियम् ।। It is not however very definite work with the title Gralhapurk:$4/kra710 Bhasya or is but a part of the Bhasy42 1. whether this is an independent and is quoted in extenso in the Nilakantha should have written more works than those mentioned above since there are quotations attributed to him in later works, for instance, in Sankara's commentary Laghuviyrt on Nilakantha's Tartra saigrala, which could not be traced to his known works. Again, the Trivandrum Palace Ms. No. 975 containing . Nilakaptha's Siddhanta darp270-yakhya and the work on eclipses etc. described above, has, in continuation, some incomplete tracts with no definite titles, which again, to all appearance, seem to be Nilakaptha's writings. Pub. by the Astrological Research Institute, Bombay-25, 1950. 2. The colophonic words at the end of the edition indicating its completion form only the editor's addition. 3. Wide the editor's Introduction, p. i ; see also Shri Namputiri's review and opinion on Garittprakasika by K. W. A. Rama Podurval, Camannore, 1950, p. xiv