सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Golo-padas of the ryabharya, leaving out the Gtikapada, which he says is covered by the commentary on the other three sections ; 9 तत्रेयं त्रिपाद्यस्माभिव्यचिख्यासिता, यतस्तद्वयाख्येयरूपत्वाद् गीतिकापादस्य । एतद्वयाख्यानेनैवार्थ प्रकाशेत । (7ऽऽ 101, p. 1) 7. Siddhartandarpa70-yyakhy4, a commentary on his own Siddhantandarp074, edited here. The commentary is elaborate and resembles, in diction and treatment, his yabhatya-Basya. It is in this work that Nilakantha gives the actual date of his birth as Kali 4545 : A.D. 1443 (see below, pp. xxv-xvi, 17) 8. Gralloard7f7aya, a work on the computation of lumar and solar eclipses. Manuscripts of this work are yet to be discovered, but later authors and Nilakantha himself in his Bh.Blasya uote from this work ; .ि तदैव ग्रहणमध्यं च । स्फुटसाम्ये तु विक्षेपकोटिमण्डलापक्रममण्डलयो भुक्तभागसाम्यमेव स्यात् । तदुक्तं मया ग्रहणनिर्णये परमक्षेपकोटिघ्नः पातोनार्कभुजागुण । स्वेष्टविक्षेपकोटयाप्तस्तत्क्षेपकृतियोगतः ।। पदं यच्चापितं यच्च पातोनार्कभुजाधनुः । तद्विशेषं हतं षष्टया गत्यन्तरहृतं क्षिपेत् ।। x 1 पर्वान्ते युक्पदे क्षेपे शोधयेद् विषमे पदे । एवंकृतोऽपि पर्वान्तः सूर्येन्द्रोग्रहणे स्फुटम् । (7ऽऽ 185, p. 102) These verses are quoted also by Sarkara in his commentary on Nilakantha's 7auntrasaiोgraha (on ch. IV, verse 27, 7ऽऽ 188, p. 107) with the introductory remark : तदुक्तमनेनैव ग्रह्णनिर्णये । 9. Sundararja-pra570ttara. Sundararāja, son of . Ananta . marāyana, was an astronomer of the Tamil country contemporaneous with Nilakantha and author of a detailed commentary on the Yalky4kara14 or Yakyapaोंcadhyay which is a manual on the basis of which almanacs in the Tamil districts are computed. Sundararāja had the greatest 1. Cr. ed. by T.S. Kuppamma Sastri Inst, Madras, 1962. and K.V. Sarma, K. S. R.