
विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Similar quotations and other references, which Nilakantha and later authors make, proclaim Damodara not only to be a prominent astronormer of the times but also as the author of erudite works on the subject, mansuscripts of which, are yet to come to light (1) Nilakantha followed in the footsteps of Paramevara, founder of the Drga7it८ system of astronomy in Kerala and one of the fore most astronomers of the land. For him Parame8vara was not only the revered father of his Guru but was also his Para710-guru, by which term he generally refers to him in his works ; ,ि यतो भार्गव परमेश्वराचार्येण अस्मत्परमगुरुणा ‘चलांशास्स्वं' (4546) इति कल्यब्दे परीक्ष्य पञ्च दशांशपूर्तिनिर्णीता । etc. (Siddhantadarpa12-yakhya, verse 18, p. 17 below) ; अस्मत्परमगुरुणापि सिद्धान्तदीपिकायाम् एतत् प्रतिपावितम् । 481.Bhasya, Gollapada, verse 3) Works of Nilakaptha Nilakaptha has written several works which reflect his deep study of and ripe scholarship in astronomy, embodying the results of his investigations on the subject and interpreting the science 1ucidly. A Imention of his works may, advantageously, be made here : 1. Goldstara' (Quintessence of spherical astronomy') in three partchedus, embodying the basic astronomical elements and procedures. 2. Siddhantadarp010, a short work in thirty-two a mustubls, enunciating the astronomical constants with reference to the Kalpur and specifying his views on the main astronomical concepts and topics, being the work edited here. 3. Carldra०clhayagarita, or merely Chayagarita, under which title it is sometimes cited, a short work in thirty-two verses on the methods for the calculation of time from the measurement of the shadow of the grommon cast by the Moon and vice-versa. 1. Cr. edun. with Translation, by K. V. Sarma, W.W.R. Institute, Hoshiarpur, 1970 2. Critically Ed. with the author's own commentary, Trans lation and Appendices, by K.V. Sarma, Hoshiarpur, 1976 (Panjab Uliv. Indological Series, No. 6)