सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

reproducing below a letter received by me from the Superintendent for Epigraphy, Mr. N. Lakshminarayanarao, M.A

"Subsequent to my writing to you last month, I have traced out a Vamarasideva. He is mentioned in a Kannada inscription at the village of Kolur in the Karajgi (Haveri) Taluk of the Dharwar district in Bombay state. Such epithets as yama-niyama-dhyana-dharana-maunanusthana etc., are applied to him in the record. His sishya Mallikarjuna-bhatta (or bhattara) is stated to have received a gift for the God Kalidevesvara at Kolur in the saka year 967. This village lies about 20 miles to the west of the Tungabhadra river, though not to the north of it. I am not sure, however, whether Vamarasideva of the Kolur inscription is the same as Vamarasi Muni mentioned in your letter. The inscription is published on pages 180ff of volume XIX Of Epigraphia Indica,

Mr. A. Someswarasarma in his Sanskrit introduction discussed the age of the author in the light of the above facts and also the value of the work. Mr. Ramakrishnakavi adds in his note that the present author seems to have written another work called Kavyasara.

I have to express my obligation to the Government Epigraphist for India for taking the trouble to supply me the information about Vamarasideva.

