पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/२६३

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Act VI, Notes & Translation

Bhima has already fallen, and consequently Yudhisthira and Draupadi faint from the effects of sydden grief ( मोहमुपगतौ ).

 संज्ञां लभेते—Recover consciousness.

 आः दारुणमुपक्रान्तं मया नृशंसेन-Alas ! Wicked fellow that I am ! I have set about a very cruel deed (in telling the news of the fight to these people) !

 St. 14. अस्मिन् पदे संदिग्धे ( सति) एवं युधिष्ठिरः दुःख आस्ते । वत्सस्य तत्त्वे निश्चिते प्राण त्यागात् अयं ( युधिष्ठिरः ) सुखी ( भविष्यात ).

पदे-Refers to the word वृत्तम् ' दुःखम् -adverb.

 'Translation :----It is while this statement (namely वृतं तत् ) continues ambiguous that Yudhisthira must remain unhappy. When the truth about his darling (Bhima) is known definitely, will be happy by ending his life.

 अत्रैव = युधिस्टिरप्राणत्यगे एव. सम्क्षेपतः- In brief; विस्तरेण--- In detail.

 St. 15. ब्रह्मन् संक्षेपात् विस्तरेण वा सर्वथा कथय । वत्सस्य किमपि श्रोतुं एषः क्षणः मया दत्तः ।

 Translation :-0 Brahman, do tell me by all means, briefly or at length, I set apart this moment of my life for listening to the tidings about my child, whatever it be ; i.e. this moment I am intent upon listening etc.

 P. 87. St. 16. कौरवभीमयोः तस्मिन् गुरुगदाचोरध्वनौ संयुगे सीरी सत्त्वरं आगतः । तस्य अग्रतः चिरं सङ्गरःअभूत् । हलिना तु प्रियशिष्यत अवलम्ब्य रहसि संज्ञाहिता यां आसाथ कुरूत्तमः दुःशासनारौं प्रतिकृतिं गतः ।

 गुरुगदाघरध्वनौ–गुर्वोः गयोः थोरः ध्वनिः यत्र तथाभूते ( संयुगे ) This is a bad त्रिपदबहुव्रीहि compound ; the sense is obvious but the right form for the compound to take in this sense is ‘घोरगुरुगदाध्वनी' Or it may be defended thus:--गुरुः गदाघोरध्वनिः ( गयोः घौरः ध्वनिः) यत्र तादृशे प्रतिवृतिः-Revenge.

 Translation :-During the progress of that fight between Duryodhana and Bhima which, by-the-bye, was characterised by a fearful noise produced by the huge maces of the combatants, there arrived the plough-armed (Balarama) in hot haste. In his presence the combat went on a while, till at last Balarama actuated by a feeling of partiality for his pupil (Duryodhana), clandestinely made a sign, which that eminent Kaurava picked up (acted upon) and had revenge upon the slayer of Duhshasana (i.e. killed Bhima).