सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:प्रश्नोपनिषत् (श्रीरङ्गरामानुजः).pdf/९९

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

ca. 11. 2] PRASNOPANISHAD-BHASHYA 19 Bhargavo Vaidarbhih papraccha : (Pippalāda) was asked by Bhärgava Vaidarbbi thus: Bhagavan: O Sire! What number of gods support the creatures of the form of immovable and movable? Which among the same gods illuminate this body, the effect of them ? Who again among them is the superior ? II. 2. Tasmai sa hovācākāso ha va eşa devo vāyur agnir āpah prihivi väimanaścaksuhstotram ca. Te prakašyabhivadanti vayam tad banam avastabhya vidharayanah. To him lie (pippalada) said: 'Indeed this ether, the god wind, fire, water, and earth, speech, mind, the eye, and the ear, these illuninating (the body) declare "We uphold and support this arrow' (bana)." COMMENTARY: Tasmai sa hovaca. the meaning is clear. With a view to describe the chief breath (prana) as the supporter, the illuminator and the best, he (Pippaläda) narrates a story. Ha vai: indicates too well-knownness eşah: The well-known ether (ākasa) Devah: One who goes; from 'div to go. Such Väyu, Agni, Apah, Prthivi; Vak: by the word speech' are indicated by secondary siguificance all the motor organs Cakşuh śrotram ca: Py the words eye' and 'ear the sense-organs are indicated. Te: These Akāśa and others : all having assembled and standing around said pointing to the body thus "We support and uphold the body which wanders like an arrow." The meaning is . We support it since we are able to perform various actions such as creating space (avakāśa)," 1. Hume translates 'trupk 2. The An, text reads akasa.