पृष्ठम्:प्रश्नोपनिषत् (श्रीरङ्गरामानुजः).pdf/९७

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

1. 15-16.] PRASNOPANISHAD-BHASHYA 17 food is the material cause of creatures, (Pippalada) answers (as above) annam vai: because Brahman called Prajāpati is Himself in the state of food, and in the state of semen resulting from it, therefore all creatures come forth from the Brahman who is of the form of different states of matter, soul, time in the form of year, month, etc., food and semen. So it is reasona- ble to say that Brahman called Prajāpati is the material Cause. I. 15. Tad ye ha vai tat prajapativratam caranti te mithunam utpadayante. Teşum evaişa Brahmaloko Yeşām tapo brahmacaryam yesu satyam pratisthitam. I. 16. Tesam asau virajo Brahmaloko na yesu jihmam anrtam na māyā ceti. Therefore those who perform the prajāpati vow bring forth a pair. For those alone this world (of Brahman). W'ho practise tapas and Brahmacarya (and) in whom truth is established: For those this faultless world of Brahman: in whom there is no crookedness and falsehood (and) no trickery. COMME:TARY: in this connection, deprecating those who do not seek liberation, Pippalada praises those who seek : Tad ye ha vai: therefore those who perform the prajāpati. vow as duty, that is eating food called here Prajapati annam vai prajāpatih: (Prašna. I. 14), those who are given to eating food and incontinence, verily those alone bring forth progeny. esa Brahmalokah: this world that is of the form of sons and cattle and food"; the world of the form of Brahman as effect (karya-bhūta), is only for those but not for the seekers of the Self. This is the idea. 1. This reading is io Apandasrama ed. It is not found in Mss. and graptha. The Sss. (SVOI) further omits: kāryabhitabrahmarüpa...... 3