सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:दैवम् (पुरुषकारव्याख्यासमेतम्).pdf/३

विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्


 It was announced in my preface to Bhaktimanjari published last year, that the publication of the ancient Sanskrit works in the Palace Library has been undertaken under command of His Highness The Maharajah. The present publication marks the beginning of the work; and as No. I. of "The Trivandrum Sanskrit Series" is now given to the public, a grammatical work, Daiva (दैव), with its commentary, Purushakara (पुरुषकार).

 Daiva has been so called from the name of its author Deva (देव). The Dhatuvrittis (धातुवृत्ति), and other works of Maitreyarakshita (मैत्रेयरक्षित), Kshiraswamin (क्षीरस्वामी), Dhanapala (धनपाल), Sakatayana (शाकटायन) etc. have contributed to the composition of Daiva; and of these, the opinion of Maitreyarakshita has been mostly [१]followed. The subject matter of the work is the purpose (फल) of the repetition of those roots of like form, which in Panini's Dhatupatha (धातुपाठ), after being once enumerated, are again mentioned in the same or a different conjugation (विकरण). This is in many places shown by taking the root, its meaning, and its conjugation, singly or all together, or only two of them when that alone is possible, and merely pointing out the difference of form in the present (लट् ), potential (लिङ्), or imperfect tense (लङ्). In a few other places, the peculiarity is explained in words; thus:-

'स्वरभेदाद् द्विरुच्यते' (Sloka 55).
'इटा भिदा' (Sloka 116).

In this work, not merely the roots which are identical in form, like भू (to be) and भू (to obtain), have been taken by the author as like roots, but also those which, though differing somewhat, are yet in the main similar in form, such as अकि अङ्कि, निदृ नेदृ, etc. These roots, however, have not been all dealt with. It appears to have been the object of the author, that

  1. See page 96.