पृष्ठम्:कप्फिणाभ्युदयं महाकाव्यम्.pdf/२६

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

iz अन्यः साहनमेकं सहशताभ्यधिकमधिकधीमहि अधि वर्गाः पड्विंशतिरिति गशितः कांफणाभ्युदयः ।। This shows that both belong to the same archetype. Omissions in N can be accounted for by reasons stated above. The text in M3 is still more incomplete. It does not contain the Prasasti. M is found in Urifa shile the original of M3 was also Uriya. N is written in Nerari scripti Hence, lí und N belong to one family, whila M3 cones com another source. As tho readings in Via greator' mumber of cases have proved to be more probable, therefore in cases of doubt the readings ia N in general have been taken to be more trustworthy than those in 11. But sometimes M bas presazrel a true reading which N has lost. It is vein unfortunate to note that to manuscript of this posin has come to light from Kashmir, the house of the poet. It is preserved in Uriyé, soript, for it was in the eastern provinces of India that Buddhism lingered as late as the invasion of Khiljaite Bakhtiar in the 12th century. We find it also in Newiri, the script of Veral, the last strong-hold of Hindu and Buddhist calcure in northern India. Conjecture in emendation of corrups passages, if at all exercises. Les been applied very carefully and lias been the last resort where all other rreth exls have failed. Ibe reader will fin rey lew osses of such suggesticas in the body of the footnotes, d) Tho following is a comparative statement of select Furianis sthick. illustrate inore fully the abova lennarke: CANTO 113 REMARKS te मरुञ्चलिशा मलितेषु 18 marninglese I ga Blokopict. सानु 6b vir lexicon gives both. He: संवर्ण 13 follows the use of the past tense in other sinzas the context: 7a more appropriate. 8d नियामाम् M gives correct context. 12a.... चीन वीरचार M3 alliterative, .... 145. रस W more approprigie. 166 synonyinous. Tiere as well as in the body of the book words are abown as saziants. sometimes syllxhlea or part of words ir पसमायली