सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्


In the hands of Mr. Modak, the language becomes a wonderfully facile and fluid instrument of expressing the thought in the simplest and most natural way. The language is simple, flowing and chaste ; and I make no doubt that the book will serve as an excellent Sanskrit text not only in the class but outside it. Even a student who has learnt just the bare elements of the language will be able to follow the story unaided — for if in places he will not understand the meaning of a word or an expression, — yet the story- interest will ensure that he journeys to the end. Further to help the reader, the author has adopted — and I believe rightly and with good authority — a new and natural punctuation, stopping where one is expected to stop in the reading, and not combining the vowels and consonants according to the rules of Sandhi.

The book is on the whole, excellent reading, and it is to be hoped that the author will produce many others of its like.


15th December 1933.
Professor of Sanskrit,

Nowrosji Wadia College, Poona.