सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

मन्त्रादोवद्वाविरोधः ॥ ६४ ॥

वाशब्दोऽवधारणे । यथा क्रत्वङ्गभूतानां मन्त्राणामेकैकशाखागतानामपेि सर्बशाखागतक्रत्वन्वये न विरोधः,1 तद्वदिहापेि ॥

भूमज्यायस्त्वाधिकरणम् २३

भूम्नः कतुवज्ज्यायस्त्वम्; तथाहेि दर्शयति ॥ ५९ ॥

वैश्वानरविद्यायां त्रैलेक्यशरीरतयोपास्यस्य वैश्वानरात्मनः स्वर्लोकादिपृथिव्यन्तानां मूर्घादिपादपर्यन्तावयवत्वमभिधाय " यस्त्वेतमेवं प्रादेशमात्र-

54. Mantraadivadvaavirodhah

Or surely there is no contradiction, as in the case of the Mantras, etc. The word, 'or' is used in the sense of emphasis. The Mantras, that are mentioned in each Saakhaa as being the limbs of the sacrifices, can be applied to all the Saakhaas. Just as there is no contradiction in the case of Mantras, here also there is no contradiction.


55. BhUmnah kratuvajjyaayastvam; tathaahi darS'ayati

There is the pre-eminence in the meditation of the Bhuman {the collective aspect of the Brahman} as in the case of the sacrifices; for, thus the scripture declares. In the Vaisvaanaravidyaa it is stated that there should be the meditation of Him, who has three worlds as His body. All the worlds beginning from the heavens and ending with the earth, constitute His limbs, from the head to the legs etc. The fruit derived from this Vidyda is the enjoyment of the

l क्रत्वन्वगेनाविरोध Pr. 2 मूर्घादिपादान्तानाम् A 1