सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
तृतीयाध्याये तृतीयः पादंः

वशित्वादिभिर्दहरविद्याप्रत्यभिज्ञानात् सत्यसंकल्पत्वसहचारिणोऽपहतपाप्मत्वादिसत्यकामत्वपर्यन्ता उभयत्रोपसंहार्याः ॥

आदरादलोपः ॥ ३९ ॥

" नेह नानास्ति किंचन् " " स एष नेति नेत्यात्मा " इति निषेधो न वशित्वादिगुणविषयः, ** सर्वस्य वशी सर्वैस्येशानः इति तेषामज्ञातानामादरेण विधानात् । अतो न लोपः । सर्वस्य ब्रह्र्मकार्य-

heart lies the Ruler of all and the Lord of all ' (Brh. IV -4-22). In both these texts, it is stated that He has heart as His abode, He has true will and He is the controller of all. These references indicate that the Daharavidya is meant in both the contexts. Therefore the qualities, beginning with being devoid of evil and ending with the possession of true desire along with the possession of true will have to be included in both the contexts.

39. Adaraadalopah

On account of the purposeful statement, there cannot be omission. 'There is not any diversity here' (Brh. IV -4-19). 'He is the Self, said 'not this, not this' (Brh.IV-4-22). These negative statements do not negate the attributes, namely, being the controller of all etc, because they are purposely taught in the following text, as they are not otherwise known. 'He is the controller of all, He is the Lord of all ' (Brh . IV-14-22). Hence there could not be any omission.

1 सत्यसंकल्पत्वसहचारेण M 1. 2. सत्यसंकल्पत्वपर्यन्ताः M2 Pr.