सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

नेति वर्तते1 ] नैवम् । पृथिव्यादिष्वन्तर्भावात् परस्य तद्गतवृद्भिह्वास- भाक्त्वमात्रं2 दृष्टान्तेन निवर्त्यत 3इत्युमयदृष्टान्तोपादानसामञ्ज्स्यादवगम्यते। 'आकाशमेकं हि यथा' इति वस्तुतः स्थितमाकाशं वस्तुतोऽनवस्थितं च सूर्यकमुभयमुपादते, अनवस्थितस्य 4 यथा न दोषस्पर्शस्तथा स्थितस्यापि हेत्वभावादिति ज्ञापयितुम् । विवक्षितधर्मसाम्यज्ञापनाय ' सिंह इव ' इति दृष्टान्तो दृश्यते |

account of the appropriateness of both (comparisons) and because it is seen thus.

The word 'not' is supplied from the last Sutra. It is not so. The Highest Self dwells within the earth, etc. as an immanent ruler. The illustrative example only denies the increase and decrease on His part due to such dwelling. This is understood in this way, because then only the two illustrative examples in the context could be reconciled. The spatial ether actually remains in the pot etc. on the other hand the sun does not actually remain in the water. This fact is stated in the scriptural text 'Indeed, as one and the same spatial ether' [Yajna. Smr. Pra. 144]. The purpose of these two examples is to show that just as the object actually not present is not stained by imperfections, so also the object actually present is not stained by imperfections for want of reasons. The examples are meant to teach this fact alone. Consider the illustrative example 'The boy is like a lion'. This brings to our mind the similarity, only in regard to some of the attributes rneant to refer.

1अनुवर्तते A 1. 2 मात्रं omitted M 2, Pr. 3इति दृष्टान्तद्वयोपादान A1 4 अस्थितस्य AI M2