सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

च, अत एव शास्रेषु 1जलसूर्यकादिवदित्युपमा, 'आकाशमेकं हि यथा+ जलाधारेप्विवांशुमान्' इति ॥


अम्बुवदग्रहणातु न तथात्वम् ॥ १९ ॥

अम्बुनि सूर्यो यथा गृह्यते, न तथा परमात्मा पृथिव्यादौ । अत्र परमार्थतः स्थितः । अतो न निर्दोषत्वमिर्ति2


दर्शनाच्च il २& ॥

comparisons, such as reflected images of the sun in the water etc. are mentioned in the scriptures-' Just as the ether, is one and the same without change even it becomes encased in the pots etc. and just as the sun reflected in water.' (Yajn. Smr. Pra. 144.)

Then puts the following objection-

19. Ambuvadagrahanat tu na tathatvam

But the case is not so, because He is not apprehended there like the sun in the water.

The question here is this-The sun is apprehended as reflected in the waters. In the same way the Highest self is not apprehended in earth etc. But here He remains actually. Therefore He is not devoid of evils.

Then refutes the objection-

20. Vrddhikrasabhaktvamantarbh:avadubhaya- samanjasyadevam dars'anacca

The participation of the Brahman in the increase and decrease due to His abiding within, is denied; on

1 जलसूर्याकाशादेिवतू A 1. 2 इतेि omitted M 3.