सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

स्वशब्देनाधीयते–…."द्वा सुपर्णा इत्यारभ्य "पिप्पलं स्वाद्वत्यनश्न- न्नन्योऽभिचाकशीति" इंति |

अरूपवदेव हि, तत्प्रधानत्वात् ॥ १४ ॥

मनुष्यादिशरीरेषु शरीरित्वेऽपेि रूपरहेितवस्तुवदेव वर्तते तत् ब्रहा, 'नामरूपयोर्निर्वोढृत्वेन प्रधानत्वात् | तथाहि श्रुतिः---"नामरूप- योर्निर्वहिता ते यदन्तरा इति । नामरूपयोरन्तरा अस्पृष्टो मध्ये वर्तते ; अवश्य इत्यर्थः॥

stated in the scriptures. Accordingly some texts state in clear words beginning with 'Two birds with beautiful wings' and ending with' One of them eats the sweet Pippala fruit, while the other shines in splendour without eating at all" (Mund. III-1-1).

14. Arupavadeva hi, tatpradhanatvat

The Brahman is altogether like without form, since He is the principal agent with regard to that.

The Brahman behaves like a formless object, though He is the Soul, possessed with the bodies of men etc. He is the principal, as He gives names and forms for all objects. The authoritative scriptural text is thus-He is responsible for the name and Form; yet He remains aloof between them, (Chand. VIII-14). 'He remains aloof between them' means 'He is not connected with the name and form.' The purport is ' He is not dependent to others.'

1 जीवनामरूपयोरपि. M 2, 3. Pr,