सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
तृतीयाध्याये प्रथमः पादः

अवरोदहतः पूर्वानुष्ठितयागादेिष्वग्नीषोमीयादिर्हिसागार्भत्वेनाशुद्धं कमीँ- स्तीति चेत् ; न," हिरण्यशरीर ऊध्र्वः स्वर्गं लोकमेति " न वा उ वेतन्म्रियसे न रिष्यसि इतेि पशुसंज्ञपनस्यार्हिसात्वशब्दात् ॥

रेतःसिग्योगोऽथ ॥ २६ ॥

" यो यो ह्यन्नमत्ति यो रेतः सिञ्चतेि इत्यन्नेन संसृष्ट्रस्य रैतः- सिचा योगमात्रमनन्तरमुच्यते । अतः पूर्वमपि र्व्रीह्यादियोगमात्रम् {|

While descending, the individual selves descend with their impure actions; because when they performed sacrifices in former generations, they committed injury to living beings, that were offered in Agnisoma and other sacrifices. It is not so. Slaughtering the animals in sacrifices is not of an injurious kind. This is stated in the text, ' with a golden body, it goes up to the heavenly world;' C By this action you do not die, nor you become subject to injury' (Tait. Bra. I I 1-7 - 7) .

26. Retahsigyogotha

After that, there is conjunction with him, who per- forms the act of generation. 'Whoever eats the food and emits the semen. that being he becomes' (Chand. V-I0-6). Thus it is stated that after the conjunction with food, the self becomes con junct with him who performs the act of generation. There- fore he becomes only :connected with rice etc., even before that stage.