सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
तृतीयाध्याये प्रथमः पादः

धुलोकगमनाभावोपलब्धे: ' अथैतयोः पथोर्न कतरेणचन1 ' इत्यारभ्य “ एतत्तृतीयं स्थानं तेनासौ लोको न संपूर्यते इति । तृतीयस्थानमिति2 पापकर्माण3 उच्यन्ते ॥

स्मर्यतेऽपि च लोके ॥ १९ ॥

लोके च द्रौपद्यादीनां पुण्यकर्मणामपि4 पञ्चमाहुत्यनपेक्षदेहारम्भ:5 स्मर्यते ॥

दर्शनाच्च ॥ २० ॥

the world of the moon, in order to reach Dyuloka (the heavens) ; because it is apprehended that they do not go to the Dyuloka at all. The text begins with, ' Then of these two paths, they do not go by either' and ends with, ' This is the third place. That world is not filled by this' (Chand. V-10-8). By the words 'the third place, are stated the Papakarmns (those who commit evil deeds).

19. Smaryaepi ca loke

It, moreover, is recorded in the world.

smrti texts state that the bodies of some meritorious persons, such as Draupadi, etc. were formed independently without the help of the fifth oblation.

20. Dersanacca

And on account of its being seen.

1 कतरेणच Pr, कश्चन, केचनेत्यादिवत् कतरेणचनेति निर्देशो ज्ञातव्य: , 2स्थानं हि M 1. 3पापकर्मिणः M 2.

4अपि omitted M 3, 5पञ्चमाहुत्यनपेक्षा देहारम्भे M 1.