सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

२४० वेदान्तसारः [अधि.

' अग्निं वागप्येति ' इतीन्द्रियाणामग्न्यादिगतिश्रुतेर्न जीवेन सह1 गमनमिति चेत्; न, वागाद्यभिमानिदेवतासु भात्तत्वाद्वागादिशब्दानाम्; ' ओषधीर्लोमानि ' इत्यनपियद्भिर्लोमादिभिः सह पाठात् ।

प्रथमेऽश्रवणादिति चेन्न, ता एव ह्युपपत्तेः ॥ ५ ॥

प्रथमे 2द्युलोकाग्मिहोमेऽपामश्रवणान्नापो गच्छन्ति ; ' एतस्मिन्नग्नौ देवाः श्रद्धां जुह्वति ' इति श्रद्धैव 3श्रुतेति चेत् ; न ; आप एव श्रद्वा-

As the texts, ' when the speech of the dead goes into fire ' (Brh. 111.2-13) etc. declare that when a person dies, his organs go into fire, etc. Hence they do not accompany the individual selves. This question is not correct. Here the words, speech etc., have the secondary meaning, namely ' the divinities (Agni etc.) who preside over them; because the text continues to say ' The hairs of the body enter into the herbs '. (Brh. III.2..13). The hairs do not enter with the visible form into the herbs.

5. Prathamesravanaditi cenna, ta eva hyupapatteh

Should it be said, on account of the absence of mention of the water in the first instance the waters do not go ; we say no; for just that is meant, on the ground of appr'opriateness.

The waters do not go with the individual selves, because the scriptural texts do not mention waters in the first instance (in the fire of heavens). In the scriptural text, , ' Into that fire, the Devas (senses) offer Sraddha as obIation ' (Chand. V. 4..2) we understand that only the word, Sraddha is used. It is not

1 सह omitted A 1. Pr. 2द्युलोके, M 1. Pr. द्युलोकाग्नौ M 1. 3श्रूयत इति M 1,