सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

इति मनसो भौभत्वं च विरुध्यते । तथेतरयोरप्तेजसोस्रैविध्यं विरुध्यते । तदिदमाह--मांसादि भौमं यथाशब्दमितरयोश्चेति । पुरीषवन्मांसमनसी अपि भौमे इतीहोच्यते । तथा मूत्रवल्लोहितप्राणावप्याप्यौ । तथा अस्थि वन्मजावाचौ तैजस्यौ ॥

पूर्वमेव त्रिवृत्कृतं चेत् , त्र्यात्मकं वस्तु कथमन्नमापस्तेज इत्युच्यते ?

इत्यत्राह ---

वैशेष्यात्तु तद्वादस्तद्वादः ॥१९॥

of food) , (Chand. VI-5-4) ; because the mind has the character of earth. In the same way there will be the contradiction in respect of the three-fold modification of the other two namely, fire and water. Therefore it is stated thus-' The flesh, etc. are of earthy nature. In the case of the other two, it has to be considered according to the text. ' Indeed it is stated here that the flesh and mind, have an earthy nature, like the excavated matters. In the same way the blood, and the Prana are of watery nature, as in the case of the urine. In the same way the marrow and speech are of fiery nature, as in the case of the bones. There is the combination of the three made already. How then can it be said that the object, that is the combina- tion of the three is mentioned as earth, water and fire ? Here the reply is this :-

19. Vais'esyat tu tadvadastadvadah

But on account of their greater parts, there is that designation, that designation.