सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
द्वितीयाध्याये तृतीयः पादः

जीवात्मा परमपुरुषांशः, पृथगात्मानं प्रेरितारं च मत्वा सकारणं करणाधिपाधिपः इत्यादिनानाव्यपदेशात् | अन्यथा च ; तत्त्वमसि अयमात्मा ब्रह्म इत्यैक्योपदेशाच्चब्रह्म दाशाः इत्यादिना सर्वजीवव्याप्त्यैक्यमधीयत एके । अंशत्वाभ्युपगमे ह्युभयं मुख्यं भवति ॥

मन्त्रवर्णात् ॥ ४३ ॥

on account of the declaration of difference and other-wise; some also record that the Brahman is the fishermen, gamblers, and so on. The individual self is a part of the Highest Person. The scriptural texts, namely , Knowing the individual self and the actuator to be different' (S'vet. 1-6), and' He is the cause, He is the lord of the lords of the senses' (S'vet. VI-9) indicate that the individual selves are different from the Brahman. Otherwise also that the Brahman is one with the individual self, has been stated in the texts, , That thou art' (Chand. VI-IO-3) and' This self is the Brahman ' (Brit. IV -4-5). Some declare the oneness of the Brahman with the individual selves in the text,' Brahman are these fishermen etc.' (Brahma-Sukta) because He is pervading all the individual selves. Both these statements (i.e, difference and non-differ- ence between the Brahman and the individual selves) become sensible in primary and original thought, when the individual selves are held to form the part of the Brahman.

43. Mantravarnat

On account of the wording of the Mantra, the individual self must be a part of the Brahman. परमात्मांशः A 1. ऐक्योपदेशः A 1, M 2. सर्वजीवानामैक्यम् M 2, Pr. अंशत्वे द्युमयं M 3.