सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

३, ४] द्वितीयाध्याये तृतीयः पादः २०३ पश्यन् रमते य एते ब्रह्मलोके ' इत्यादिश्रुतेर्बद्धो मुक्तश्चात्मा ज्ञातैव । मनोऽस्य 1दिव्यं चक्षुः इति श्रुतेः स्वधर्मभूतं ज्ञानं मनः ॥' उत्क्रान्तिगत्यागतीनाम् ॥ २० ॥ 2उत्कान्तिगत्यागतीनां श्रुतेरणुर्जीवः ॥ स्वात्मना चोत्तरयोः ॥ २१ ॥ गत्यागत्योः स्वात्मनैव संपाद्यत्वादुप्यणुत्वं निश्चितम् ॥

with the mind, sees these desires and experiences enjoyment of them that are related to the Brahman-world" (Chand.VIII.12.,5). Here by the word' mind' is meant the knowledge that is his essential characteristic as stated in the text 'The mind is his divine eye' (Chand. VIII.12.5). 20. Utkrantigatytagatinam And on account of his going up, moving and returning. The individual selves are atomic in size; because the scriptures state that they go up leaving the body, that they move and that they return to the body. 21. Svatmana cottarayoh And on account of the latter two being effected through his very self. The moving and the returning must be taken as effected by the self himself. Hence the individual selves are determined to be atomic in size. 1दैवं Pr, 2अत्र added before M 1.