सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
द्वितीयाध्थाथे द्वितीयः पादः

प्रधानदर्शनरूपविकारासंभवात् *प्रकृतिधर्माध्यासनेिमित्तभोगस्तद्विवेकानु- संधान्कृतकैवल्यं च न संभवति ॥

विप्रतिषेधाच्चासमञ्जसम् ॥ ९ ॥

पुरुषस्य द्रष्ठृत्वभोक्तृत्वनिर्विकारत्वादिविरुद्धसहस्राभ्युपगमाच्चासमञ्जसं कापिलमतम् ॥

महद्दीर्घाधिक्ररणम् २

**महद्दीर्घवद्वा हृस्वपरिमण्डलाभ्याम् ॥ १० ॥

not undergo any change, does not transform himself into the forms that the Pradhaana is capable of assuming. Hence, the two things that do not happen are these--(l) the enjoyment of pleasures etc., that is caused by the superimposition of the attributes of the Prakrti on the intelligent person and (2) the release that could be had by distinguishing himself from the Pradhaana.

9. Vipratisedhaaccccasamanjasam

And the whole thing accepted in regard to the Self, is not intelligible on account of the contradiction.

The doctrine of the Kapilas is not intelligible; because of the acceptance of many contradictory terms in the intelligent person, such as the powers of sight, enjoyment, and non-modification, etc.


10. Mahaddhirghavad vaa hrasvaparimanadalaabhyaam

And the views of others like the one that accepts

*प्रक्रृतिधर्माध्यासस्तन्निमित्तभोगः M 1, 2. **महद्दीर्घशब्दाभ्यां त्र्यणुकस्य, ह्रस्वशब्देन द्वयणुकस्य, परिमण्डलशब्देन परमाणोश्च निर्देशः