सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

आत्मनि चैवम् ; विचित्राश्च हि ॥ २८ ॥

जीवात्मनि चाचिद्धर्मविरोधिधर्मयोगो विसजातीयशक्त्विादेव । अग्निजलादयोऽप्यचिद्विशेषा अन्योन्यविलक्षणा नियतशक्तयो विचित्रा दृश्यन्ते ॥

स्वपक्षदोषाच्च ॥ २९ ॥

कृत्स्नप्रसक्त्यादिदोषो निरवयवेऽचित्सजातीये प्रधान एवेति ब्रह्मैव कारणम् ॥

28. Atmani caivam; vicitrasca hi

And thus (also) in the Self; for there are diversified powers.

The individual self possesses attributes, that are opposed to those subsisting in the non-sentient beings. This is due to the special powers found in him. The non-sentient beings, such as fire and water, etc. possess the mutually opposing attributes, have the powers specially attached to them and are seen distinct from each other.

29. Svapaksadosacca

And on account of the defects of his own views also.

The defects, such as the whole should transform itself into the effect, do exist only in the case of the Pradhana, that is without parts and is of the same class as non-sentient beings. Hence the Brahman is the cause of the creation, etc. of the world.