सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

पटवच्च ॥१९॥

तन्तव एव संयोगविशेषभाजः पट इति नामान्तरादिकं भजन्ते । तद्वत् ब्रह्मापि॥

यथा च प्राणादिः ॥२०॥

यथा च बायुरेक एव वृत्तिविशेषैः प्राणापानादिनामानि भजते, तथा ब्रह्मापीति तदनन्यत्वं जगतः ॥


इतरव्यपदेशाद्धिताकरणादिदोषप्रसक्ति: ॥२१॥

19. Patavacca

And like a piece of cloth.

The very same threads by a particular form of conjunction among themselves, assume the different names cloth etc. The same is the case with the Brahman also.

20. Yatha ca pranadih

And like the vital wind, etc.

The one wind, due to the modifications with different functions in the body, acquires the names such as Prana and Apana1. In the same way the Brahman also assumes the different names and forms. Therefore, the world is not different from the Brahman.



From the designation of the Brahman as the other (i.e. individual soul), there result in the Brahman the

1The vital winds are five in number. They are Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana and Samana. Prana has its seat in the lungs. The Apana is that which goes downwards and out of the anus. Vyana is diffused through the whole body. Udana rises up the throat and enters into the head. Samana has the seat in the cavity of the naval and is essential for the digestion of food.