सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

७] प्रथमाध्याये चतुर्थः पादः १३५

                 साक्षाच्चोभयाम्नानात् ti २९ ॥

"ब्रह्म वनं ब्रह्म स वृक्ष आसीत् "ब्रह्माध्यतिष्ठद्भुवनानि धारयन् इत्युपादानं निमित्तं च ब्रहौवेति 'स्वशब्देनोभयाम्नानाश्च ॥

                    आत्मकृतेः t| २६ ॥

"सोकामयत इति निमित्तभूतस्य स्वस्यैव जगदाकारेण कृते "तदात्मानं स्वयमकुरुत इत्युपदिश्यमानायाः परमपुरुषो जगन्निमित्त मुपादानं चेति विज्ञायते ॥

              25. Saksaccobhayamnanat

And on account of both being directly declared it the scriptures.

"The Brahman is the wood. That Brahman became the tree. The Brahman stood supporting the worlds' (Tait. Brh. II-8-9). This scriptural text shows that the Brahman in both the instrumental cause and the material cause of the world. This fact has been declared in distinct word in the scriptural text.

                   26. Atmakrteh 

On account of the statements as regards the Self transforming.

The text, 'He desired' (Tait. I-2-6-2) shows that He is the instrumental cause. Again the text 'That Self created Himself.' (Tait. 1-2-7-1) shows that He made Himself in the form of the world. From these statements it is understood that the Highest Self is known to be both the instrumental cause and the material cause of the world.

I स्व, omitted M 2. · निमित्तस्य A 1.