सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

१२ वैद्दान्तसitः [अधिं.

                       कारणत्वाधिकरणग्ं ४
               कारणत्वेन चाकाशादेिषु यथाव्यपदिष्टोक्तेः ॥ १४ ॥

आकाशादिपु कार्यवर्गेषु कारणत्वेन सर्वत्र वेद|न्तवाक्येपु' "असद्वा इदमग्र आसीत् "तद्धेदं तर्ह्यव्याकृतमासीत् इत्यादेिष्वनिर्ज्ञातविशेषेपु "आत्मा वा इदमेक एवाग्र आसीत् { स ईक्षत लोकान्नु सृजै इति विशेषवाचिवाक्यनिर्दिष्टस्यैवोक्तेर्न तान्त्रिकाव्याकृतादिकारणवादप्रसङ्गः t{

                       समाकषात् ॥ १५ ॥
                  KARANATVADHIKARANA 4 

. .

       14. Karanatvena cakasadisu yathavyapadistokteh

And on account of (the Brahmnan) as described being declared to be the cause of the ether etc.

In all the Vedanta passages the Pradhana has not been declared to be the cause of ether, etc :-' Verily the Asat was in the beginning' (Tait. 1-7-1). 'Then, indeed, this remained undifferentiated' (Brh. 1-4-7). Here the special characteristics of the cause are not apprehended. But the special characteristics of the cause are apprehended in the scriptural text, 'The Self alone was in the beginning.' It thought, 'may I creat the worlds' (Ait. I-I). Hence it does not arise that Prakrti etc. of the Samkhya school, should be the cause of the creation.

                     15. Samakarsat 

On account of bringing down (from another passage).

I कiरणवाक्येषु M 3.