सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

१२४ वेदन्तसारः [अधि.

"यस्मिन् पश्च पञ्चजनाः इत्यत्र पञ्चर्वैिशतिसंरूंयोपसंग्रहादपेि न तान्त्रिकाण्येतानि, यस्मिन्निति यच्छ्ब्दनिर्दिष्टब्रह्माधारतया तेभ्थः पृथग्भावात् | एतेषां तत्वातिरेकाश्च । यच्छब्दनिर्दिष्टमाकाशश्चेति द्वयमतिरिक्तम् ! संख्योपसंग्रहादपीत्यपिशब्दान्नात्र पश्चर्विशतेिसंख्यासंग्रहः । ** दिक्संख्ये संज्ञायाम् इति संज्ञाविषयोयं पञ्चजना इति । पञ्वजना नाम केचित् | ते पञ्चेति पञ्च पञ्चजना इत्युच्यते ; सप्त सप्तर्षय इतिवत् !

           प्राणादथो वाक्यशेषात् ॥ १२ ॥

· He, on whom the five Five-things etc.' (Brh. IV.4-17). Here it may be argued that the Prakrti is meant, because there is a reference to its modification into twenty five kinds; however the Prakrti is not meant here. The words, 'On Him indicate that He is the support of that Prakrti and is different from that Prakrti. He belongs to a different category over and above the twenty-five categories. The objects denoted by the words, 'He' and 'Akasa' are different from the twenty- five varieties ot Prakrti. The word 'even' used in ' from the mention of the number even' indicates that the number twenty-five is not meant here. The word 'Pancajana', denotes a class of things known by the name of Pancajana. Panini states-' The words denoting direction and number are compounded with nouns provided the compound-word denotes the name of a thing' (Panini, II-I-50). 'This is similar to the statement, ' Seven seven-sages.'

      12. Pranadayo vakyasesat 

The word, Pancajana, refers to the breath, etc. on the ground of the complementary passage.