सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

११४ वैदान्तसारः [अधि.

                तदधीनस्वादर्थवत् ॥ ३ ॥

पुरुषाधीनत्वादात्मशरीरादिकमर्थवदुपासननिर्वृत्तये भवति । पुरुषो ह्यन्तर्यामी 'सर्वैमात्मादिकं प्रेरयन्नुपासनोपायत्वेन वशीकार्यकाष्ठा प्राप्यश्चेति "सा काष्ठा सा परा गतिः" इत्युच्यते ॥

                ज्ञेयत्वावचनाच्च ll ४ ॥
      अत्राव्यक्तस्य ज्ञेयत्वावचनाच्चं न कापिलमव्यक्तमू॥

             3. Tadadhinatvadarthavat

Matter in its subtle state subserves an end, on account of its dependence on Him (viz. the Supreme Person).

The individual selves and the body etc. are dependent on the Highest Person. Hence they serve the purpose of helping for the perfection of the meditation. Indeed the Highest Person, being Inner Ruler, directs all the individual selves, etc. for the meditation. Hence He is one of the means of the meditation and occupies the foremost place of those that must be brought under influence. He is also reachable by the meditators. The scripture states thus, " He occupies the highest pJace. He is the Highest course' (Kath. 1-3-11).

            4. Jneyatvavacanacca

And on account of the absence of statement of its being an object of knowledge.

There are no statements to prove that the Avyakta (i.e. unevolved Prakrti) is an object of knowledge. Hence it cannot be the Avyakta of Kapila's School.

          1 सर्वात्मादिकं M 1, M 3.