सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

१०८ वैदान्तसारः [अधि, 'आजहारेमाः शूद्र' इत्यादौ ब्रह्मविद्योपदेशे शिष्यं प्रति शूद्रे- त्यामन्त्नणेन शिष्यस्य ब्रह्मज्ञानाप्राप्त्या शुक् संजानेति सूच्यते । शोचनात् शूद्रः, न जातियोगेन ! कुतः? तदनादरश्रवणात् । ब्रह्मविद्यावैकल्येन स्वात्मानं प्रति हंसोक्तानादरवाक्यश्रवण्त् | तदैवाचार्यं प्रत्याद्रवणात् । हि-शब्द्रो हेतौ । यतः शूद्रेत्यामन्त्रणं न जातियोगेन, अतः शूद्भस्य ब्रम्र्होपासनाधिकारो न सूच्यते ॥

             क्षत्रियत्वगतेश्च ॥ ३४ ॥ 

The preceptor calls the disciple as 'Sudra' at the time of imparting the knowledge of the Brahman as seen in the scriptural text, You have brought these, Oh Sudra ' (Chand.IV-2-5). It is here indicated that grief arose in the disciple, as he did not possess the knowledge of the Brahman. The word, Sudra 'etymologically means, 'one who grieves'. It does not mean him who belongs to the Sudra caste. Why? It is because of hearing a disrespectful speech. The phrase,'on hearing a disrespectful speech about himself 'means on account of hearing a disrespectful speech about himself, who did not possess the knowledge of the Brahman. In consequence of that, he approached the preceptor. The word,'hi' used here refers to the cause that led Janasruti to approach the preceptor. He was called Sudra, not on account his being born in that community. Therefore, it becomes clear that those, who are born in Sudra caste, are not entitled to practise the Brahmavidya.

          34. KsatriYatvagatedca 

And on account ofJanasruti's Ksatriya-hood being recognised.