सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
प्रथमाध्याये तृतीयः पादः

ध्यायतिपूर्वकेक्षतिकर्म स प्रशासिता परमात्मेत्यर्थः | उत्तरत्र 'तमोंकारेणैवायनेनान्वेति विद्वान् यत्तच्छान्तमजरममृतमभयं परं च 'इति परमपुरुषासाधारणधर्मव्यपदेशात् । 'यत्तत्कवयो वेदयन्ते ' इति तदीयस्थानस्य सूरेभिर्दृश्यत्वव्यपदेशाच्च ॥

दहराधिकरणम् ५

दहर उत्त्तरेभ्यः ॥१३॥

'अथ यदिदमस्मिन् ब्रह्मपुरे दहरं पुण्डरीकं वेश्म दहरोऽस्मिन्नन्तरं आकाशस्तस्मिन्यदन्तस्तदन्वेष्टव्यं तद्वाव विजिज्ञासितव्यम् 'इत्यत्र दहरा-

than mortal living, beings' (Pras'. V-5). Here the object of perception preceeded by meditation, is that Ruler Highest Self. In the subsequent passage it is stated thus-' The wise, by the means of the syllable Om, reaches Him who is calm, not aged immortal and fearless' (Pras'. V-7). Here are mentioned the attributes, that are peculiar to the Highest Self. It is also because in the scriptural text, 'The wise sages know that' (Pras'. V-7), it has been pointed out tbat the sages see His place of resort, (i.e. Heaven).


13. Dahara uttarebhyah

The subtle (ether) is the Brahman, on account of the subsequent statements.

The scriptural passage 'Now, what is in this city of Brahman, is an abode, a small lotus- flower. Within that is a small space. What is within that, should be searched for. Certainly that is what one should desire to know'(Chand.